“REVEALED:Jamie Carragher Major Problem Isn’t Celtic But Steven Gerrard…Read more”

“Jamie Carragher Confirms Return to Supporting Celtic After Gerrard’s Departure”

Jamie Carragher has revealed that he has once again shifted his support back to Celtic. The former Liverpool player had previously stated that Celtic was always his preferred Scottish team, but switched his allegiance to Rangers when his friend and former teammate Steven Gerrard became their manager. However, Carragher made it clear that he would return to supporting Celtic once Gerrard left Rangers.

It seems he has kept his promise. While on punditry duty with Micah Richards for CBS Sports during Champions League coverage, Scottish football briefly came up. When Richards asked, “Celtic or Rangers?” Carragher quickly responded, “I’m Celtic.”

In 2020, during an Instagram Q&A, the ex-England defender was asked the same question and said, “Right now it’s Rangers because of Steven Gerrard, but once Steven leaves, it’ll be Celtic.”


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